Saturday, 26 May 2012

Never underestimate the power of Appreciation

I am so big on appreciation. I am so big on giving. They go hand in hand. When you appreciate - you give more and when you give - you feel appreciation. I love to take moments to appreciate what I have and that I really do live the life I’ve always wanted (so far!). I do this on a daily basis. Its a regular thing for me. I wasn’t always like this. I used to mess about with the feelings of doubt and scarcity often and for a long time. The trouble is when you’re in ‘lack mode’ as I call it (doubt + scarcity) how can you possibly want to give anything, feel appreciation for anyone and therefore get more abundance?

So you’ve caught a glimpse of your bank statement and pulled a frown, or you say "When I'm wealthy I'll be nice" or every time you look at yourself in the mirror you get a shock and whisper an unkind word under your breath. You might even tell yourself your never going to get - the perfect boy/girlfriend - the perfect job - the most ideal lifestyle. These are all ways in which you express ‘lack’. These are ways in which you tell yourself your not good enough. You know your triggers. You could probably predict when your ‘lack mode’ is going to show its ugly little head.

But you know in your heart that it really doesn’t have to be like this. You know that you’re in a pattern that’s gone on for a while and you know you want to change it. You could really do with some extra money, or a new partner, or a new job or loose a bit of weight - but you carry on doing the same old things because right now, you don’t’ know how to turn your situation around. You’ve got too many things to do – too many responsibilities. And that’s totally OK. Well, it has been up until this point in time.

The best thing you can do is: be totally at peace with where you are (and tell yourself you are worthy of everything you ever dreamed of). This can be tough. Among all the responsibilities it can feel like there isn’t much time to get some peace. Bottom line is you’ve got to make the time- or the wheel will keep turning and it will only get worse. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but it really does only get worse. But you know this – you’ve witnessed that: “Bad things always come in three’s”. Now’s the time to jump off the wheel and make your way to that lush green lawn over there – it’s waiting for you to walk barefoot through its soft whispy loveliness! Go to it! Even if it’s just for half an hour. You can’t afford not to.

We have all felt appreciation in our lives, that great sense of peace and clarity – in the stroking of a cat, the laughing with a toddler, the sunlight on our face – but what I’m talking about is living in a state of appreciation. Some people have called in an attitude of gratitude. (My only unease with the word gratitude is some people link obligation to gratitude, as if they are not worthy and this is definitely not what I’m talking about). Appreciation feels like ease. It feels like letting go. It feels like going with the flow. It feels like being genuine and coming from the heart. It feels clear.

Coming from the heart – now there’s a tough one. We have been heart broken in the past, we have been told to listen to our heads and not our hearts and we have an inherent belief that our imaginations or dreams are just some crazy thing we think about but wont ever happen – not in reality. So we build walls up to protect ourselves and this gets us further and further away from appreciation. And herein, you can see, is where the problem lies. A disconnection from our heart means a disconnection with our genuine selves – our true selves.

Your imagination is hugely relevant to your life. Before you make anything happen, you've got to imagine it. The quickest and easiest way to do this is to go involve yourself in some giving - because what you give is truly what you get. Appreciation is in the little things and you can start with the little things right here and now.

Here are some ideas:
- Tell someone how much he or she makes a difference to you
- Invite someone you know could do with a chat, out for a drink
- Ask an elderly person who lives near you if they need a hand with any odd jobs
- Donate unwanted items directly to a place that needs them instead of the local charity shop.
- Make something and give it to someone.
- Do something for free – for the sake of it (not for what you will get out of it)– for the love of it and for the lovely feeling of the freedom of it.
Or just do whatever inspires you. How can you give? How can you make a difference to someone else today? My examples are just a few ways – there are 1000’s more!

When you give – you will receive – in abundance.
And abundance is appreciation, manifested into reality.
My wish is that you will Bask in appreciation – as often as you can!

Until next time -
Much love,

Leona x

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