Thursday, 31 May 2012
Where True Freedom Really Is
Many people look at the word addictions and almost always think of drug addiction and alcohol addiction as being the predominant addictions that we have as a species. But there in another addiction that is much more common, subtle but far more damaging in the long run for us – and that’s the addiction to emotions.
Now let me clarify –I’m not saying having emotions in general is a detrimental thing – that would render us little more than robots performing automation actions! I’m talking about the addictions to certain emotions – addictions that hold us back in situations, rather than set us free. Or in other words, ways of being that close down a situation, rather than open it up.
For example, you have a fear of closed spaces, so you feel anxiety when you use public transport, when you are in a very busy environment and you may feel extremely uncomfortable when in a meeting with someone face to face in a small room. Now this anxiety, first and foremost is a surface level outcome of a deeper fear that you have about how people perceive you and ultimately how you feel about your self worth. This raw and real emotion has manifested itself into situations so that you now feel bound by its grasp. This is the addiction. You don’t want it! But you are trapped in the addiction of fear – and this is one of the most common addictions on the planet.
This kind of emotional addiction will truly shape your life. It will effect what decisions you make, where you go and who you interact with. Your life is probably filled with a lot of certainty – places and people you know well and situations you have been in 100 times already as you know what your going to get. Do you have this addiction? Or if not, take a moment now to think about what emotional habit or pattern you have created that holds you back on a regular basis.
There is one major trouble with this way of life – or any way of life where you are addicted to an emotional response – after a while of repeating and repeating the same actions to make sure your life is exactly the way it should be so you never get into any situation that could cause dis- ease, it gets well and truly BORING!
You know you are trapped by your emotions, you know you don’t want them anymore. You’ve probably got to the place where you are ‘sick and tired’ of repeating the same old actions and you quite possibly have made yourself become literally ‘sick and tired’. Maybe you’ve missed some days or weeks of work, spent weekends alone with your fear and refused to go to places where something great could have happened, but you just couldn’t give up your attachment to your fear. That’s all it is really – an attachment. You can give up this attachment, if you really want to. If you really really want to.
There are many points that you can come to with an emotional addiction that can lead to a turning point. Usually its out of desperation – you just can’t take it any more. The missed opportunities are stacked so high you just won’t do it to yourself anymore! There’s another point at which you can come from and that’s inspiration – suddenly you are inspired by something that’s so compelling, that the only way you can get to that new thing is to cross your barrier. The question is, will you take that leap of faith?
If you are willing to take the time to really see what your emotional addictions are, you can truly live a life of freedom. And if you need support, I can help with that! There's nothing I love more than helping others free up their lives. Imagine your life without the baggage of your emotional bad habits. What would you create?
Till next time
Much love,
If you are looking to free yourself from an emotional pattern, Leona is available in person or via Skype to help you break it down and create new beneficial habits that will change how you live your life for good.
Please call 07905 603 332, email Leona, or go to Create Your True Life for more information.
Saturday, 26 May 2012
Nina's Experience of Leonas Life Coaching Sessions
Hello everyone!
I had so much fun with a recent Client that I thought it might be nice if she shared her experience of my 'Make Change Happen Sessions' with you. She was more than pleased and excited to feature on the blog! So a big thank you to Nina for taking the time to share her thoughts with us all. Enjoy!
Much Love,
Leona x
1- How did you find out about Leona's work and what attracted to you to it?
Leona was recommended to me by a mutual friend who had enjoyed her coaching sessions and had found they made a great difference to her perspective and her life. I am a “seeking spirit” so I’m attracted to ideas/people that will shake me up and help me shed restrictive ideas and move forward with new ones which are relevant to my current situation.
2- How did you feel going into the sessions and what were your first impressions?
I felt very excited as our mutual friend had spoken so highly of her own experience with Leona and I was sure that Leona and I would create a paradigm shift together.
My first impressions of Leona were that she was open, happy and creative and had a fabulous, infectious and hearty laugh. As we continued working together, I also found her to be insightful, determined, thorough and willing to dive deep into an issue to find the pearl of wisdom contained within it.
She doesn’t let you get away with anything and her process helps your world expand.
3- How do you feel you benefited from having 3 sessions across a number of weeks?
This was useful as it gave me time to use each new skill / experiment with each new idea that we’d created / she’d brought out of me and embed what I’d learned into my daily life.
3 is a great number – beginning, middle, end. It works very well as a structure for grappling with one particular element of your life.
4- When did you start to feel that the sessions were making a difference to your daily life?
Immediately as Leona is very good at removing excuses to action; hence I created a vision board in one of the sessions as that was the task she had given me. So rather than putting it off ‘til “homework” and then not doing it, I now have a bright and positive vision board of my dream in the middle of the wall in my lounge which I see every day and it reminds me of my promise to myself.
She also encouraged me to do things which for some reason (which we uncovered and exorcised) I had decided were impossible so by breaking down my impossible obstacles into achievable tasks, I was able to make rapid progress and feel very pleased with myself!
The tools Leona provides are practical and do-able. There’s bound to be something in her box of tricks that appeals to you, how you think and learn so if you come away with 3 useful tools that slide easily into your own existing tool-kit, it’s a very worthwhile exercise as you can apply them to other areas of your life and call on them whenever you need them.
5- Did you find it helpful having written follow ups (pdfs) sent to you after each session?
Definitely. Leona covers a lot of material in her sessions, most of which you are required to experience rather than note down. So it’s helpful afterwards, in order to consolidate the new information, to have something concrete to which to refer and to remind you of what you said you’d do, who you said you’d be from now onwards.
6- Do you feel like your life/situation has changed as a result of the sessions? If so, how?
Every person we meet teaches us something.
Leona is a person full of joyful ideas and has developed a fun and practical way of transmitting them (which is how I like to learn) so yes, my life has changed as a result of my time with Leona.

I have A5 pages all over the wall in my lounge full of writing ideas that I’m developing. I have a vision board that says “Freedom Writer” which is what I decided I was, during one of the sessions. I have a prompter on my front door which I see every time I go out, which reminds me to look for my inspiration everywhere. I can now say that writing is something that I do regularly, rather than something that I would like to do “one day” but haven’t got myself organised enough to do it.
She’s the friendly but firm kick up the butt that you probably need to move your life forward.
7- Are there any other points/comments you'd like to make on your experience with Leona?
When you decide to go for the sessions, approach it with 100% trust in Leona’s abilities. Put your life in her hands for the duration and trust that this is the right thing for your life right now.
I really enjoyed meeting her and had a great time during the sessions, and afterwards. It’s lovely meeting people with similar views about life to me and who let their energy and their heart guide them, to create a better world for themselves and others.
Empowering people to follow their dreams is a great gift to have and Leona has it.
Book some sessions, sit back, relax and let your life unfold.

You can book a session by emailing Leona via the website:
You can see more testimonials on the website:
I had so much fun with a recent Client that I thought it might be nice if she shared her experience of my 'Make Change Happen Sessions' with you. She was more than pleased and excited to feature on the blog! So a big thank you to Nina for taking the time to share her thoughts with us all. Enjoy!
Much Love,
Leona x
1- How did you find out about Leona's work and what attracted to you to it?
Leona was recommended to me by a mutual friend who had enjoyed her coaching sessions and had found they made a great difference to her perspective and her life. I am a “seeking spirit” so I’m attracted to ideas/people that will shake me up and help me shed restrictive ideas and move forward with new ones which are relevant to my current situation.
2- How did you feel going into the sessions and what were your first impressions?
I felt very excited as our mutual friend had spoken so highly of her own experience with Leona and I was sure that Leona and I would create a paradigm shift together.
My first impressions of Leona were that she was open, happy and creative and had a fabulous, infectious and hearty laugh. As we continued working together, I also found her to be insightful, determined, thorough and willing to dive deep into an issue to find the pearl of wisdom contained within it.
She doesn’t let you get away with anything and her process helps your world expand.
3- How do you feel you benefited from having 3 sessions across a number of weeks?
This was useful as it gave me time to use each new skill / experiment with each new idea that we’d created / she’d brought out of me and embed what I’d learned into my daily life.
3 is a great number – beginning, middle, end. It works very well as a structure for grappling with one particular element of your life.
4- When did you start to feel that the sessions were making a difference to your daily life?
Immediately as Leona is very good at removing excuses to action; hence I created a vision board in one of the sessions as that was the task she had given me. So rather than putting it off ‘til “homework” and then not doing it, I now have a bright and positive vision board of my dream in the middle of the wall in my lounge which I see every day and it reminds me of my promise to myself.
She also encouraged me to do things which for some reason (which we uncovered and exorcised) I had decided were impossible so by breaking down my impossible obstacles into achievable tasks, I was able to make rapid progress and feel very pleased with myself!
The tools Leona provides are practical and do-able. There’s bound to be something in her box of tricks that appeals to you, how you think and learn so if you come away with 3 useful tools that slide easily into your own existing tool-kit, it’s a very worthwhile exercise as you can apply them to other areas of your life and call on them whenever you need them.
5- Did you find it helpful having written follow ups (pdfs) sent to you after each session?
Definitely. Leona covers a lot of material in her sessions, most of which you are required to experience rather than note down. So it’s helpful afterwards, in order to consolidate the new information, to have something concrete to which to refer and to remind you of what you said you’d do, who you said you’d be from now onwards.
6- Do you feel like your life/situation has changed as a result of the sessions? If so, how?
Every person we meet teaches us something.
Leona is a person full of joyful ideas and has developed a fun and practical way of transmitting them (which is how I like to learn) so yes, my life has changed as a result of my time with Leona.
I have A5 pages all over the wall in my lounge full of writing ideas that I’m developing. I have a vision board that says “Freedom Writer” which is what I decided I was, during one of the sessions. I have a prompter on my front door which I see every time I go out, which reminds me to look for my inspiration everywhere. I can now say that writing is something that I do regularly, rather than something that I would like to do “one day” but haven’t got myself organised enough to do it.
She’s the friendly but firm kick up the butt that you probably need to move your life forward.
7- Are there any other points/comments you'd like to make on your experience with Leona?
When you decide to go for the sessions, approach it with 100% trust in Leona’s abilities. Put your life in her hands for the duration and trust that this is the right thing for your life right now.
I really enjoyed meeting her and had a great time during the sessions, and afterwards. It’s lovely meeting people with similar views about life to me and who let their energy and their heart guide them, to create a better world for themselves and others.
Empowering people to follow their dreams is a great gift to have and Leona has it.
Book some sessions, sit back, relax and let your life unfold.
You can book a session by emailing Leona via the website:
You can see more testimonials on the website:
Never underestimate the power of Appreciation
I am so big on appreciation. I am so big on giving. They go hand in hand. When you appreciate - you give more and when you give - you feel appreciation. I love to take moments to appreciate what I have and that I really do live the life I’ve always wanted (so far!). I do this on a daily basis. Its a regular thing for me. I wasn’t always like this. I used to mess about with the feelings of doubt and scarcity often and for a long time. The trouble is when you’re in ‘lack mode’ as I call it (doubt + scarcity) how can you possibly want to give anything, feel appreciation for anyone and therefore get more abundance?
So you’ve caught a glimpse of your bank statement and pulled a frown, or you say "When I'm wealthy I'll be nice" or every time you look at yourself in the mirror you get a shock and whisper an unkind word under your breath. You might even tell yourself your never going to get - the perfect boy/girlfriend - the perfect job - the most ideal lifestyle. These are all ways in which you express ‘lack’. These are ways in which you tell yourself your not good enough. You know your triggers. You could probably predict when your ‘lack mode’ is going to show its ugly little head.
But you know in your heart that it really doesn’t have to be like this. You know that you’re in a pattern that’s gone on for a while and you know you want to change it. You could really do with some extra money, or a new partner, or a new job or loose a bit of weight - but you carry on doing the same old things because right now, you don’t’ know how to turn your situation around. You’ve got too many things to do – too many responsibilities. And that’s totally OK. Well, it has been up until this point in time.
The best thing you can do is: be totally at peace with where you are (and tell yourself you are worthy of everything you ever dreamed of). This can be tough. Among all the responsibilities it can feel like there isn’t much time to get some peace. Bottom line is you’ve got to make the time- or the wheel will keep turning and it will only get worse. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but it really does only get worse. But you know this – you’ve witnessed that: “Bad things always come in three’s”. Now’s the time to jump off the wheel and make your way to that lush green lawn over there – it’s waiting for you to walk barefoot through its soft whispy loveliness! Go to it! Even if it’s just for half an hour. You can’t afford not to.
We have all felt appreciation in our lives, that great sense of peace and clarity – in the stroking of a cat, the laughing with a toddler, the sunlight on our face – but what I’m talking about is living in a state of appreciation. Some people have called in an attitude of gratitude. (My only unease with the word gratitude is some people link obligation to gratitude, as if they are not worthy and this is definitely not what I’m talking about). Appreciation feels like ease. It feels like letting go. It feels like going with the flow. It feels like being genuine and coming from the heart. It feels clear.
Coming from the heart – now there’s a tough one. We have been heart broken in the past, we have been told to listen to our heads and not our hearts and we have an inherent belief that our imaginations or dreams are just some crazy thing we think about but wont ever happen – not in reality. So we build walls up to protect ourselves and this gets us further and further away from appreciation. And herein, you can see, is where the problem lies. A disconnection from our heart means a disconnection with our genuine selves – our true selves.
Your imagination is hugely relevant to your life. Before you make anything happen, you've got to imagine it. The quickest and easiest way to do this is to go involve yourself in some giving - because what you give is truly what you get. Appreciation is in the little things and you can start with the little things right here and now.
Here are some ideas:
- Tell someone how much he or she makes a difference to you
- Invite someone you know could do with a chat, out for a drink
- Ask an elderly person who lives near you if they need a hand with any odd jobs
- Donate unwanted items directly to a place that needs them instead of the local charity shop.
- Make something and give it to someone.
- Do something for free – for the sake of it (not for what you will get out of it)– for the love of it and for the lovely feeling of the freedom of it.
Or just do whatever inspires you. How can you give? How can you make a difference to someone else today? My examples are just a few ways – there are 1000’s more!
When you give – you will receive – in abundance.
And abundance is appreciation, manifested into reality.
My wish is that you will Bask in appreciation – as often as you can!
Until next time -
Much love,
Leona x
How to beat Procrastination - for good!
Avoidance. Bottom line - That’s what procrastination is. Avoidance of
doing the things that are necessary to get to the good stuff. The stuff
that will ultimately make us feel great. However, the trouble with
doing things that are ‘necessary’ is that they are uninteresting and the
problem with ‘ultimately’ is that the only ‘ultimate’ thing we all know
that is coming – albeit it some time away - is death (and nobody really
wants to know about that.)
So with the odds stacked against doing what will make us feel good, it’s no wonder that we linger about in procrastination for a lot of the time. The trouble is that the more we hang around in procrastination, the more we seem to procrastinate and then we get mixed up in what we know is good for us and what we think is good for us. We pay attention to what we think is good enough for us – which ultimately is not good for us but in the short-term feels OK and what we end up with is...drum roll please...a life that we are not really happy about at all. A sort of second’s life. A life that, with all its good intentions, always ends up in the charity shop.
So we start asking questions – Why did I get myself into this? Why am I repeatedly procrastinating? and then the one it always leads to in the end - the most frustrating question of all – What exactly am I doing with my life? You see – procrastination is a massive habit we have learnt and without some conscious re-thinking it will do nothing but get bigger and bigger. One day you will scream out loud at the top of your voice (usually somewhere completely inappropriate) I’VE HAD ENOUGH! And lets face it – that’s not a pretty sight!
Conscious re-thinking – that doesn’t sound very fabulous does it?! You say - I’m doing very well at my procrastinating thank you very much! I don’t need any of your conscious re-thinking. I say - Ah...but you really, really do. You really, really do want to get the most out of your life and you really, really do want to do, the things that you really, really want to do!
So it’s time to stop kidding yourself. Its time to stop stroking yourself with the thoughts of ‘Oh I’m doing Okay with my life. Things aren’t really that bad’. I know I’m diving in the deep end with this one but yes, they are - ‘that bad’. Or to put it in a clearer way – they have become ‘that bad’. You have made them become that bad. But don’t be down hearted. This realisation is liberating. You’ve made your life this way, so you can change it. You can make your life any way you want to make it. And you probably want to make it better - which is where conscious re-thinking comes in. What you came here to do, isn’t to do Okay with your life – it isn’t even to do something good with your life – yep, you guessed it, you came here to do something GREAT with your life. That means honouring your self and your life. Today. Now.

I heard a brilliant quote around 18 months ago. It was “Let go of the good to make way for the great”. As soon as I heard it, it instantly changed my perspective. Some of the things in my life were good, but not great. So that’s all I did. I made that distinction and I made a promise to myself to always make way for the great. I even made a toast to it. It was a brilliant turning point. From now on I consciously clear the way for great things to come into my life. Good just doesn’t cut it anymore.
Create Your True Life
Much Love
Leona x
So with the odds stacked against doing what will make us feel good, it’s no wonder that we linger about in procrastination for a lot of the time. The trouble is that the more we hang around in procrastination, the more we seem to procrastinate and then we get mixed up in what we know is good for us and what we think is good for us. We pay attention to what we think is good enough for us – which ultimately is not good for us but in the short-term feels OK and what we end up with is...drum roll please...a life that we are not really happy about at all. A sort of second’s life. A life that, with all its good intentions, always ends up in the charity shop.
So we start asking questions – Why did I get myself into this? Why am I repeatedly procrastinating? and then the one it always leads to in the end - the most frustrating question of all – What exactly am I doing with my life? You see – procrastination is a massive habit we have learnt and without some conscious re-thinking it will do nothing but get bigger and bigger. One day you will scream out loud at the top of your voice (usually somewhere completely inappropriate) I’VE HAD ENOUGH! And lets face it – that’s not a pretty sight!
Conscious re-thinking – that doesn’t sound very fabulous does it?! You say - I’m doing very well at my procrastinating thank you very much! I don’t need any of your conscious re-thinking. I say - Ah...but you really, really do. You really, really do want to get the most out of your life and you really, really do want to do, the things that you really, really want to do!
So it’s time to stop kidding yourself. Its time to stop stroking yourself with the thoughts of ‘Oh I’m doing Okay with my life. Things aren’t really that bad’. I know I’m diving in the deep end with this one but yes, they are - ‘that bad’. Or to put it in a clearer way – they have become ‘that bad’. You have made them become that bad. But don’t be down hearted. This realisation is liberating. You’ve made your life this way, so you can change it. You can make your life any way you want to make it. And you probably want to make it better - which is where conscious re-thinking comes in. What you came here to do, isn’t to do Okay with your life – it isn’t even to do something good with your life – yep, you guessed it, you came here to do something GREAT with your life. That means honouring your self and your life. Today. Now.
I heard a brilliant quote around 18 months ago. It was “Let go of the good to make way for the great”. As soon as I heard it, it instantly changed my perspective. Some of the things in my life were good, but not great. So that’s all I did. I made that distinction and I made a promise to myself to always make way for the great. I even made a toast to it. It was a brilliant turning point. From now on I consciously clear the way for great things to come into my life. Good just doesn’t cut it anymore.
Create Your True Life
Much Love
Leona x
Toolkit for Life!
Lot’s of people need their own toolkit – handymen, gardeners and
artist’s are just three – but how about the everyday person – no matter
what job they do? You may not think it but everyone has their own set of
tools – resources, if you will, to draw upon when they need to complete
a task. Our greatest tool is of course the computer – some might even
say our ‘devices’ have now become our greatest tool – or invention of
recent times - those cheeky little portable things that do just about
everything – and everywhere – oh, how did we ever live without them?!
But these tools are all physical tools, which is all well and good and obviously very much needed on a day to day basis, but we must remember that we have a whole lot more going on, on a another level – a whole lot more going on as a human being. Love for example (now there’s a nice biggie to get us going). With Love – you can’t see it, you can’t smell it, you certainly can’t touch it – but we all know – it EXISTS. Now, of course there are associations we attach to love that we can see, smell and touch in the form of people, places and things – but the actual thing – love – is a feeling and that’s just one example of something we need a toolkit for. A toolkit for something we can’t see.
Now there’s the thing. A toolkit for something we can’t see. Brilliant. Seems ludicrous, but really - its genius. When we have tools for how to live our lives – we really do thrive. Another example is Health and well being – we can’t see that – but we can feel it. We can feel when we feel alive and healthy and we can feel when we feel overwhelmed and exhausted. And of course we can see the outcome of our healthy lives in the form of our healthy bodies and we can see the outcome of our unhealthy lives in the form of illness. The feelings of our health and well being are not something we can see – but boy do we use something we can see to aid our energy levels – food glorious food! I think we can all agree that we need the awareness, the knowledge and the unique individual application to truly stay in optimum nutrition.

Now, this could take a while. If we didn’t have the awareness, or the knowledge or use the unique individual application of the process – how would we find our perfect soul mate or the right foods for us to eat and exercise for us to do? The answer – massive trial and error! Weeks, Months and Years of trial and error sifting through mate after mate or diet after diet. Just thinking about all that effort makes me want to have a lie down!
However we need not despair, because out of all this comes the lovely awareness of what we don’t want. We have lists and lists of what we don’t want, after creating lots and lots of feelings and situations that we’d happily forget about – forever. But here comes the main point – all this stuff we don’t want creates the perfect platform for us to now know exactly what we do want. Ahh, feel the ease of that already. What. you. do. want.
What you do want is coming to you. You don’t know it, but it is. Or maybe you do know it is, but you don’t know when. When will you know? When will you have all the things that you want?
The answer - When you get a toolkit for life. And quite simply, that’s what I’m here for. To present you with your very own toolkit for life. Ways in which to deal with things you don’t want when they come up and ways to make the things you want happen, as soon as you want them to happen. I give you Techniques that are essential for living the life you’ve always wanted. Now what could be more delicious than that?
Get started with your very own toolkit today. Life’s easy when you know how.
Create Your True Life
Till next time - Much Love,
Leona x
But these tools are all physical tools, which is all well and good and obviously very much needed on a day to day basis, but we must remember that we have a whole lot more going on, on a another level – a whole lot more going on as a human being. Love for example (now there’s a nice biggie to get us going). With Love – you can’t see it, you can’t smell it, you certainly can’t touch it – but we all know – it EXISTS. Now, of course there are associations we attach to love that we can see, smell and touch in the form of people, places and things – but the actual thing – love – is a feeling and that’s just one example of something we need a toolkit for. A toolkit for something we can’t see.
Now there’s the thing. A toolkit for something we can’t see. Brilliant. Seems ludicrous, but really - its genius. When we have tools for how to live our lives – we really do thrive. Another example is Health and well being – we can’t see that – but we can feel it. We can feel when we feel alive and healthy and we can feel when we feel overwhelmed and exhausted. And of course we can see the outcome of our healthy lives in the form of our healthy bodies and we can see the outcome of our unhealthy lives in the form of illness. The feelings of our health and well being are not something we can see – but boy do we use something we can see to aid our energy levels – food glorious food! I think we can all agree that we need the awareness, the knowledge and the unique individual application to truly stay in optimum nutrition.
Now, this could take a while. If we didn’t have the awareness, or the knowledge or use the unique individual application of the process – how would we find our perfect soul mate or the right foods for us to eat and exercise for us to do? The answer – massive trial and error! Weeks, Months and Years of trial and error sifting through mate after mate or diet after diet. Just thinking about all that effort makes me want to have a lie down!
However we need not despair, because out of all this comes the lovely awareness of what we don’t want. We have lists and lists of what we don’t want, after creating lots and lots of feelings and situations that we’d happily forget about – forever. But here comes the main point – all this stuff we don’t want creates the perfect platform for us to now know exactly what we do want. Ahh, feel the ease of that already. What. you. do. want.
What you do want is coming to you. You don’t know it, but it is. Or maybe you do know it is, but you don’t know when. When will you know? When will you have all the things that you want?
The answer - When you get a toolkit for life. And quite simply, that’s what I’m here for. To present you with your very own toolkit for life. Ways in which to deal with things you don’t want when they come up and ways to make the things you want happen, as soon as you want them to happen. I give you Techniques that are essential for living the life you’ve always wanted. Now what could be more delicious than that?
Get started with your very own toolkit today. Life’s easy when you know how.
Create Your True Life
Till next time - Much Love,
Leona x
Welcome to My 'Insights' Blog!
Welcome to my 'Insights' Blog. I'm so happy to share with you some of my insights into Personal Development. You can read more about me here and read what just some of my clients have to say about me here.
Inspiring others is something I've done all my life and love to do. If you like the sound of what you're reading and would like to book some one to one coaching sessions with me, then I'd love to meet you! Come have a look at my Sessions page, where you'll find all the info you need.
Enjoy the posts and look forward to helping you Create Your True Life!
Much Love
Leona x
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