Sunday 27 October 2013

Super Wonderful Superfood Smoothie recipes #1

Hi everyone :)

So as promised, here are some great tried and tested superfood smoothie recipes for you to taste and love. They are the result of an 18 month Superfood journey which keeps growing and expanding. Get ready for a more vibrant, more healthy and more energised you!

Remember the rules with your smoothies:

RULE #1- Start with small amounts and build up to larger amounts over time (eg. TEAspoons not TABLEspoons to start)

RULE #2-  Use more water for smoother, thinner smoothies and less water for more thicker smoothies (its all about your preference)

RULE #3- Experiment with the flavours! Get to know the tastes of each superfood so you can get a 'feel' for what you like. Mix it up! Make your own recipes!

My high speed blender has a litre jug, so these recipes make around 750ml.

 Every Day Morning Power Smoothie #1
- 2 tall glasses filtered water
-1 tbspoon Spirulina
- 2 tbspoons shelled Hemp seeds
-1 tbspoon Barleygrass or Wheatgrass powder
- 1 banana 

- 1 quarter of a large cucumber
- a few fresh leaves of spinach, beetroot leaves or whatever green leaves you have in the fridge
- 1 thick slice of honeydew melon.


Every Day Morning Power Smoothie #2 
- 2 tall glasses filtered water
-1 tbspoon Spirulina

- 1 tbspoon Sun Warrior Protein either natural or vanilla
- 2 tbspoons shelled Hemp seeds

- pinch of nutmeg
- 1 banana and
- 2 slices of honeydew melon.



Treat Yourself Power Choc Smoothie
- 2 tall glasses filtered water
- 1 tbspoon Sun Warrior Protein either natural or vanilla
- 1 tbspoon shelled Hemp seeds

- 1 tbspoon cacao powder 
- 1 teaspoon of Maca
- pinch of nutmeg
- pinch of cinnamon
- about 12-15 cashews or almonds
- 2 small bananas or fruit of choice


Much love,

Helping you to create the life you've always wanted

Thursday 24 October 2013

Superfoods update and new smoothie tip!


Its been a little while since I wrote a blog post, life has a way of flying on by doesn't it!

I just wanted to let you all know that I am still on the detox lifestyle and loving it :)

In fact, I have been trying lots more variations of superfoods - keeping that variety happening for a fun, inspired life!

So, I'm going to share one thing with you here and thats a variation on my favourite water based smoothie and that is:


In particular: ALMONDS OR CASHEWS.

A couple of months back I had run out of my all time favourite high protein superfood: Hemp Seeds. I was thinking, oh no, what can I do? So I searched my food cupboard and found a bag of Almonds.

That morning, I poured about 10-15 almonds in with my smoothie and wow, it was deeeelish!

If you have a high speed blender you don't need to soak almonds beforehand, but alot of people do and they recommend it, so as I always say - experiment! Try it for yourself and see what you prefer.

Since then I have experimented with both almonds and cashews on different mornings and wow, they are just beautiful, adding tons of creamy lovelyness to your smoothies as well as being high in good fats that are ESSENTIAL to have in your morning smoothie.

More posts coming soon with *new* recipes and more info on superfoods!

With much love

Leona x