Saturday 21 July 2012

60 days on the detox lifestyle! :0)

The journey doesn't end at 30 days!

To those who have been following my blog - I've been living a sugar free, wheat free, dairy free and alcohol free for the 30 days originally and now 60 days, whoop! Before that I'd been a non meat eater for 12 years and had became bored with the lazy option of bread and cheese for many meals. It was time to make a change! I'm so excited to share my progress with you, with the intention to inspire you to do something similar - you can do it! :0)

The major thing I've learnt is that you can't be perfect! Trying too hard is doomed to failure so my new approach is definitely do the best I can do 100% of the time and feel good about my decisions 100% of the time. That means if I actually do the wheat free, sugar free, alcohol free and dairy free only 90% of the time - then I can live with that!

So here's my progress....enjoy x

Day 31 Immediately after my 30 days I felt excited and wanted to carry on with what I'd put in motion in regards to my diet. I chilled out a bit in regards to having some feta cheese (yummy!) and tried some cheddar, but ended up throwing it away as the taste was very strange - Haven't touched cheese since.

Day 34 Had my first chocolate bar in 34 days! It was green and blacks 70% with unrefined sugar so I felt cool with that. Had half the bar. Haven't had one since. Dried figs are too good!

Day 35 I had a routine going with my food but realised the meals were getting a bit samey. What was needed here was a bit of variety to keep up my enthusiasm and I started to look around for more recipes and research into nutrition online.

Day 38/39 I was working somewhere where I hadn't prepared some food and there was only a newsagent nearby. I ended up having the only available thing - samosas and sandwiches! The next day to avoid this happening I had sushi for breakfast! (I don't recommend it though!) flaffels for lunch and fish for tea. I felt back on track.

Day 41 - 40 Celebration! I decided that it was about time to celebrate all the achievements I had made over the last 40 days - getting out of my old pattern and into a new and exciting one! Went out for a meal with my parter and for the fist time had some deep fried food in a beautiful Thai restaurant. It was delicious. We shared a creme brulee but I had two spoonfuls and couldn't eat anymore - it was too dense. The wine however was lovely :0) I realised that I will always love food! Its just a case of getting a daily healthy eating plan going and so going out for treats now and again, doesn't seem like a huge stray from the path.

Day 43 I made my first purchase of maca powder and had my first banana, maca and hemp seed water based smoothie. WOW! It was so delicious! I was also on about the 60th day of taking Spirulina, so today was a massive superfood day for me! It was also the day that my lettuces and rocket lettuce was ready to pick and so I had a extra super nutrient salad. My experience with spirulina is that as it contains vitamin b12, it saves you having to be concerned about eating eggs. Secondly, I think it curbs your appetite a bit which is a bonus!

Day 45  I read somewhere that it takes 20 mins of aerobic activity to burn of a glass of wine (prob due to the amount of sugar), so now my mantra is - if I drink a glass of wine during an evening out at the weekend - the next day I'll go for a workout. It feels good to have a plan about this - it feels like I respect myself and my body. And it also feels like I can chill out about it all and not be concerned about it. Nice!

Day 47 Sugar and wheat intake. Felt SUPER dehydrated because of it and cant wait to work it off and get back to the better lifestyle tomorrow.

Day 48 One of the best workouts ever! think this has to do with my new superfood super-intake :0) Just wanted to keep going and was getting into a really good breathing rhythm whilst doing it. Feeling a real progression!

Day 53 Day of noticing how things are changing work wise. Lots of things growing from seeds I sowed 53 days ago. Also looking back over the year and realising one of my major goals has nearly been achieved - so close!

Day 56 Bought some Quinoa and am loving it. I bought it years ago but never really got on with it, but now it feels exciting! So many different flavours you can add to it. Really enjoying it with fresh Mange Tout from my veggie garden :0)

Day 59 Still focusing on work, more phone calls, more opportunities, really exciting. Feeling really high, but in a balanced way. I used to get highs and lows but now it all feels great, all the time. I think its because I'm on this mission, nothing can stop me, only myself.

Day 60 Got my goal sheet out and re-did my goals. Last time I did them (in detail) was in March and really great to see how the major ones are still in place but have shifted slightly. Got myself a proper plan in place for the next 30 days, feels really good.

So there we go! I've reached 60 days of my detox lifestyle - amazing! I'm keeping going! I've made so many new discoveries and I still feel like there is so much to discover. I'm definitely on the road for 90 days and beyond....

Although I don't talk about weight loss much, I am excited about my new body :0) It feels lighter generally and if you look back at my 30 days blog post you'll see that it was just within 20 days where I felt the weight coming off. Its a really nice feeling to know that you CAN shift weight but it is so much more than that - its really about balancing your emotions and having respect for yourself. Respecting your body, respecting yourself enough to treat yourself in the best way you can.

Once you find this respect for yourself - you'll only ever look forward at the possibilities and consistently ask yourself 'What's next?'

Need help with your journey? I'd love to be there for you! I offer a 3 session programme called "Make Change Happen" that deals with any situation you are in and changes your approach for the better. We can meet in person or talk via Skype.

Please go to my website for more info and get in touch!

With much love

Leona x

Saturday 7 July 2012

How to empower your need for Significance
We all want to be significant somewhere in our lives. Whether its significant in a relationship, as a parent, as a friend, in our career or in a hobby. We all have the desire to do something a bit 'our way', and this is natural - we are all unique and everyone has something special to express.

For me, significance is all about giving - it's what I can contribute to people, a situation or the wider community. I do this through my work, whether its on a one-to-one basis, with groups of children, groups of adults, families or teams of people. If I'm not contributing in some way, I'm either looking at ways to contribute, or relaxing somewhere feeling that my work is done - for now!

How do you express your significance?

The trick is learning that's its OK when you are NOT expressing your significance. Feeling insignificant is the extreme of this and usually comes from a place of waiting for someone else's approval. Its when you won't feel better until that other person has acknowledged you. How can you rise above feelings of insignificance and approval? With congratulating the self. If you congratulate yourself, you don't wait for anyone else to applaud or congratulate you, you do it yourself. You make the time to do it and you go for it! You are in touch with yourself and trust yourself to feel when you've done the best possible job you can. Its wonderful when people say you have done a good job, but to rely on that for your feeling uplifted is dis-empowering.

How are you currently congratulating yourself? Could you congratulate yourself in a more beneficial way?

Its all about getting the balance right - honouring yourself enough to make sure you can be the best that you can be. You can be significant and you can come from the heart and you can be authentic.

Its about managing your energy so that you are always doing the things you love, but being open and free enough to allow new experiences that you may not have even considered. This is the beauty of life!

Its all about going with the flow, having patience and perseverance.  Gardening has taught me about this (most of the photos I use on my blog are from my little oasis in London). When you see the seasons change and you watch a seed grow into a plant, look after it along the way and then harvest the fruits, you become in touch with the flow, growth and change of all things.

In practice, its all down to experience - being open and aware in situations and coming from the heart - your true self.
When we tweak the little things, everything else falls into place :0)

Much love

Leona x

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Shift Hope into Expectancy

A friend of mine put a post out on Facebook today and it inspired me to write this blog post.
The statement was one of Hope - Hope standing for: Hang On Pain Ends.
Now although this is true - everything does pass - I have never been one for Hope. Hope feels too much like sitting on the fence to me.

Don't get me wrong, Hope is better than despair and I'd much rather you be in hope in that case. But hope is really that in between stage where you haven't quite figured it out yet. Its where you haven't taken that moment to work out what you want and you're just kinda wishing everything will turn out OK.

Now, how about if you could turn hope into expectancy? Could you shift your hope into expecting that everything will turn out OK - or even KNOWING that everything will turn out OK? If you could do this then surely no matter what happens you would be equipped with not only dealing with any situation, but transforming it into a situation that leads to a better outcome for you? Sound good?

Well this IS possible! Its not only possible, but true - what you believe about yourself and the world around you, defines everything for you. Its about getting a plan for your life, but then being able to throw out the plan when you need to and trust who you are. Its about creating a vision for yourself and your life and then sticking to it - no matter what.

Change can be instant but its progress that we really want. To get progress we really have to shift our perspectives - alot of the time. We need to train ourselves to be flexible and adaptable. Its much like training a muscle - it doesn't happen over night, but over time we see small then significant changes, that shape our lives for the better.

That's what Create Your True Life is all about.

I'm here to show you that:

1- You CAN change something that feels unbenefical to you.
2- You will NATURALLY change as you flow into your own truth and your own ways of doing things
3- You will CONSISTENTLY make better situations for yourself by shifting your focus to what you really want.
4- You will always be focused once you have someone around you who is committed to mentoring you on your journey.

I'm here for you!
What ever you want to change whether it be your health, your relationship(s), your wealth, your career path or a personal habit then YOU CAN DO IT - but you can't do it alone.  
Reaching out to someone is the best move you can make and my 'Make Change Happen' programme is designed so that you can get the best out of your life - now - TODAY!

So go check my website out for more info and give me a call or email. I'd be delighted to assist you as this is part of what my True Life is all about - helping YOU to create your true life - however you wish it to be.

Much love

Till next time,

Leona x