Tuesday, 30 October 2012

10 ways to stay happy in the Winter


1- If its working, keep doing what your doing.

Whatever youre doing right now with your detox lifestyle that you love, keep doing it. The tendancy is to turn away from what you know and get into big hearty meals, load on sugar and slump on the sofa. Don't do it! Stay with your fab smoothies and juices for the reason why you did in the first place - they give you loads of energy and are packed with nutrition. If its not working, mix it up and research into new ways of doing things. Experiment with warming foods like ginger, cinnamon, dried fruit, Peppers, Oats, etc... More on detoxing.

2- Try Soup for Breakfast.

I know this sounds mental! but the Japanese have been doing it for centuries. Get some Miso soup or just make your own by experimenting with different combinations of veg. Use beans or lentils to thicken. Easy, warming, super tasty, nutritious and you can make batches enough for a couple of days if you like.

3- Go for walks in nature as often as possible. Get the sun on your face.

Get connected to nature at this beautiful time of year. Breathe in deeply when surrounded by trees. Top up on that vitamin D as much as possible. Supplement if you need to.

4- Keep your exercise routine up.

I know, you feel more tired when its dark - me too! But you know you feel a million times better after your workout.

5- Invest in a new coat, a snuggly blanket, a hot water bottle, new slippers and pure wool socks!

Ahhhhh! Treat yourself! These things make you feel snug and wonderful :D

6- Schedule in creative time. 

The Winter is the perfect time to get creative. Make a decoration for Christmas. Make a gift for someone. Make a pie. Whatever you fancy making, go do it. More on creativity.

7- Plan and visualise your future.

This is the perfect time to plan ahead. What would you like to achieve next year? What steps could you do to make this happen? What would love to to if time and money were no object? Dream a little....

8- Meditate

Find quiet time to breathe, centre and ground - often. You'll feel less lost and more like you.  More on meditating.

9- Do a good deed....or two!

Do something for someone that you know they'd love. It doesn't have to be a grand gesture - helping fix something for someone less able than you is a great way to show you care.

10- Embrace who you are and celebrate!

You are awesome! Just being you! Now go celebrate your awesomeness, just for the simple reason that you are alive. You're doing much better than you think.

With much love

Leona x
Dedicated to connecting you to who you are and your life purpose.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Meditation - why bother?

Create Your True Life

I used to meditate everyday way back in 2007, but recently I was guided back into meditation through a friend of mine. What changed? Well, this guy offered me a completely different approach on WHY to meditate and this I wanted to share with you.

Before I used to meditate to clear my mind, relax and focus. I also used to do a lot of visualisations and used to find it benefited me creatively. However back in 2007 I had a lot of contradictions going on in my life - I saw that my creativity and my physical, practical life were quite separate. In fact it was my mission to get them to fuse together, but I wasn't making as much headway as I'd like. Meditation helped with this immensley.

When meeting up with my friend recently, he was doing a healing on me and let me know of a few things I needed to get straightened out - mainly things that I was overlooking. I immediately went into 'physical' mode - My response was "OK, I must do this then and that, and get this done asap!" However, THIS RESPONSE was what was the problem. Have you ever had that? Have you had so many things going on that you almost go into auto-pilot or 'do-do-do' mode?! I'm sure you have, its how most of us live in the Western World!

So my friend told me that its not about do-ing, its about be-ing. When you get into a meditative mode, you switch off your auto-pilot, your 'got to do this, that and the other' mode and you simply 'be'. Then, from this state of be-ing, you can begin to ASK. Asking is the key to this. And TRUST. When you ask, it is given. This is a natural law.

To put it another way, instead of creating more lists and goals from a physical perspective,  allow yourself to be who you are ALREADY, so that these things come out naturally and THEN get expressed. For some this might be difficult, - when was the last time you did something that was your passion, or what you really wanted to do? or When was the last time you did this thing regularly? It reminded me once of a quote I read "Do what inspires you first, then do everything else you have time for". Love this quote! Its helped me prioritise things in my life so much over the years.

Meditation gets you into your own space, free from internal chatter and into listening mode. When you ask "What do I need to know?" or "What would I really like to do now?" and then LISTEN - an answer will come. In my experience its not just one answer, but many. Then my advice to you is, go write your goals AFTER you've done this process, when you are truly in touch with what it is you want anyway - and WHY you want it. When you get excited about the things you are doing in your life, they literally pull you toward them, its irresistible!


It might take you a few goes until you really get into the meditation 'zone', but if you are serious about creating your true life, this is an invaluable tool for you. For me it usually takes around ten minutes to clear, I find deep breathing helps immensely. I actually love the feeling of stretching out my lungs and getting all that air to pass in and out. The great thing is that there are tons of ways you can create your own space and listen, not just through meditation.

If you want to find out more, I can show you how. Simply book a "Make Change Happen" programme with me today. All you need know is that you WANT to change something and the rest will flow.

Till next time, much love

Leona x