Monday, 19 November 2012

5 advantages of being Emotionally Sensitive
It's an interesting thing, sensitivity. I was brought up with the belief that emotionally sensitive people are vulnerable. In my experience I have found is that the reverse is actually true. Now I believe that without some level of sensitivity, you cannot be a truly fulfilled human being. Being sensitive has massive lasting benefits that are often overlooked.

It's the initial point of interaction that can be difficult for someone who is sensitive and that's what we tend to hang onto. If you're emotionally sensitive you can take what someone says as personal to you and even harmful. Once this reaction is understood and worked with, it can be powerfully and positively harnessed and used for maximum benefits. For example, when you understand that there is no benefit in taking what someone is saying to you personally and then you put a new reaction into practice repeatedly, you gradually gain a sense of empowerment. I have worked with hundreds of adults and children and all those who demonstrated sensitive qualities, turned out to be the most interesting, talented, resilient and successful in the long term.

The wonderful Jim Rohn (1930-2009) said a beautiful quote which I came across win the middle of writing this post. He said, "The more you care, the stronger you can be".

With that in mind, here are my 5 advantages of being sensitive:

1- You gain an enriched, magical quality to life. Have a unique viewpoint to offer and/or creative way of looking at the world.

2- You have a deeper understanding, inherent compassion and a strong connection in relationships with others.

3- You have a natural connection to all living things; nature, animals, 'source' and/or god.

4- You feel very fulfilled in what you do and/or you feel an importance to attain complete fulfilment in life.

5- You have or look to gain a sense of responsibility to others around you (including animals), your community and/or the planet at large.

So in conclusion, if you feel that you are sensitive - embrace it. Without sensitive people this world would be a cold and empty place. If you feel alone in your sensitivity then begin to understand more about yourself; when, how and why you act the way you do. Think about possible ways to overcome your actions and how you can really use your sensitivity to enhance your life experience. I promise that when you do, your life will become more balanced and enjoyable that you thought possible. If you need some tools to show you how then simply get in touch.

If you feel you are not a particularly sensitive person, then I urge you to take the time to experience humility. Get in touch with your emotions by purposefully putting yourself in situations that you know would evoke an emotional response, so that you can explore these feelings. You'll find that you become a fuller, more enriched human being as a result.

With Much Love and till next time,


Helping you to create the life you've always wanted.