I've been on my detox lifestyle for 90 days = 3 months!
It started with just 10 days, then 30 days, then 60 days and then last week I reached 90 days of my detox lifestyle!
Wow! What a ride its been. Its been so much fun! The highs have been loosing weight after just 20 days and then more after 60 days. The lows have been when I repeated a few meals and things seemed samey, but then I just got creative and found new ways of doing things!
As a reminder, days 1-30 were full-on 100% wheat-free, dairy-free and sugar-free and since day 31 I've been doing this 90% of the time.
My main piece of advice here is, please don't try and be perfect - its too much work!
Go easy on yourself, do the best you can and you will still reap the rewards!
With Much love,
Go easy on yourself, do the best you can and you will still reap the rewards!
With Much love,
Leona xx
SO...Here's my 60-90 day diary!

Day 63 - Celebration! I've gone down 3 notches on my belt!!! 3 whole notches in 63 days! Guys if I can do this - so can you! Go for it! Make your changes today! Remember its all about replacing old foods with new ones, thats all. Make it easy for yourself xxx
Day 65 - While watching the olympic torch run through north london, someone gave me some cake! Such a nice lady I couldn't turn her down so I ate a couple of mouthfuls then put it on the side and a dog came up and finished it off! He must have known he was doing me a favour!!!
Day 68 - Fist time eating cheddar cheese since Day 32 or 35 - I wasn't impressed - so tasteless. Got back to beans quickly! ;0) "Falling off the wagon" re-enforces my love for this new way of life - the tastes are far nicer!
Day 72 - Been working full on days and evenings and must say this was the biggest challenge of this detox lifestyle so far, I was still keeping up the superfood smoothie breakfasts. Managed to stay (mostly) clear of sugar, but bread and cheese made a couple of appearances here - in Borek form (Boreks are turkish feta and spinach pastries). The main thing I noticed was that after eating wheat and dairy, the food didn't give any fuel, it almost felt like a waste of eating something! When I got back to eating rye, beans and salads again I felt an almost instant energy boost. I was so happy to be back to the good stuff.
Day 75 - Feels so much easier now to make better choices with food. Before I started this, it used to be easier to pick up bread and cheese and now it feels harder to do this. I know that it doesn't help my body so eating it has become almost pointless - just a texture sensation in my mouth.
Day 78 - My Boyfriend bought me Superfoods book by David Wolfe. I am absolutely loving it! SO, so, good to have all this information in one place now. Leaning so much more about Spirulina. Mace and Hemp, which I have now on a daily basis. Also learning about new Superfoods that I haven't yet heard of.
Day 80 - Having taken Spirulina for over 3 months already I decided to increase my daily intake from 5g to 10g = double the amount. Watch this space guys! Will report with more info!
Day 83 - Went out with the family so wine was consumed. Feel so completely different towards wine than before I started this whole process. Its so good to have broken old habits. Its also great to not be bound by new decisions - its OK to have wine now and again! I'm chilled about it!
Day 84 - Toast round my boyfriend's mums. First bit of wheat bread in 80-something days! Tasty, just not as full as rye but I must say the warmth is a nice change. Will look out for breads that are no wheat - maize bread tastes practically the same!
Day 87 - Loving having doubled my intake a spirulina. My breakfast smoothie lasted me for 4 hours today which is definitely a record, usually I have to have something before lunch to keep going, but not today! I cannot express tot you how much I'm loving replacing wheat, dairy and sugar with healthier alternatives, I feel so much more alive. Meeting with a friend I hadn't seen for a while, she was shocked at how much I'd changed. In particular with my eyes and skin which she both said looked brighter than ever before. With 90 days approaching I'm full of gratitude for the centredness that I feel more and more each day.
Day 89 - Due to my schedule, I've been missing a few workouts so I did a double one today - an hour of aerobics followed by an hour of pilates, which Ive never done before. I did all the advanced pilates options which was great even though a couple of them were really challenging.
Day 90 - Ive done it! Ive reached 90 days! SO, so amazing. I'm so pleased with myself. I don't think I need to count the days anymore - this is a lifestyle for me. I'll jump off the wagon now and again (usually when going out with friends) but then I'll jump straight back on. Life is interesting like that :0)
Its great not to be bound by a set of rules, but to choose the heathy option over the unhealthy one, because it feels so much better.
A conscious choice down to experience of how if feels having done both. This has all been about liberation from constraints, while at the same time being on a health mission!
I truly recommend you go for it - try 20 days at a minimum and go from there.
You will feel and see the benefits!!!!
If you need some help (and lets face it we all do from time to time), then I'll be there.
Whether you have a health, emotional or personal issue, I'd love to help.
Go to my website Create Your True Life for more info.
With Much love
Leona x
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